Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Viruses, Candidates, and Other Assorted Nuisances

This is ridiculous. The nasty cold is STILL kickin' my butt. I'm thinking it will be over just in time for Thanksgiving. At least I will have something to be thankful for. While we are on the topic of giving thanks, is anyone else counting down the days until the day after the election? Why the day after the election? Because on that day, the political ads will abate and we can go back to the usual inane and distasteful ads for stuff, rather than ads for inane and distasteful candidates. Sadly, it won't be the end of inane comments from the likes of our president who was quoted in today's newspaper as saying that a victory for Democrats means a victory for terrorists. In the same story, he trotted out the old saw about marriage being between a man and a woman. Somehow, he missed immigration and taxes. Democrats and fags, America's enemies number 1!

1 comment:

JeSais said...

Amen my brotha!
And yesterday's white house briefing was all about Kerry. Um, correct me if I'm wrong, but he's not running for anything is he? and what he said or didn't say or missaid is like the biggest thing the white house has to worry about these days??